Content Development

In addition to developing its own Linux based Operating System, IT@School Ubuntu, KITE has customised several educational software like Dr. Geo, Rasmol, K-Tech lab, Geogebra, Chemtool,Kalciumetc for developing teacher friendly applications to facilitate complete ICT enabled education in the state. Dr. Geo and Geogebra are being used for teaching Mathematics, whereas Rasmol, Chemtool and Calzium are used for teaching Chemistry.Geogebra K-tech lab and PhETon the other hand is used to teach Physics. PhET is a collection of physics experiments and simulations developed by a group of scientists headed by Carl Edwin Wieman, the Nobel Prize Winner. KITE has also prepared interactive multimedia CDs and handbooks & Training modules for ICT. Every content developed by KITE is strictly as per the new curriculum approach based on the National Curriculum Framework 2005. While most of the story boards and scripts are developed by the Master Trainers, intensive training is also given to the teachers to teach using the new contents that are developed.

For the first time in the country, an unique Resource DVD for teachers was developed by KITE in 2009, which included the latest edition of Edusoft, 50 selected articles from Malayalam Wiki, Malayalam Computing tools, IT@School Linux Operating system, New Edition of Ubuntu OS, ICT Training module, Educational contents on Biology &Maths and PDF versions of Textbooks and Handbooks.

Content Development workshops are organized periodically statewide in order to bring the content development process upto speed. Master Trainers are regularly trained in latest technologies and methodologies in this sector, to empower them to create up-to date ICT contents. KITE has also tied up with several educational and academic institutions to create content exclusively for the school curriculum.

About Us

The KITE under General Education Department was set-up to augment the IT education in schools and also to enhance the quality of IT education towards a complete ICT enabled educational system

Contact Info

State Project Office, SCERT Building, Poojappura, Trivandrum, Kerala-695012

+91 471 2529800


© 2025 | KITE