KITE has prepared and published the Cyber Safety protocol detailing the guidelines for ensuring cyber safety for students in Kerala schools. The Cyber Safety protocol has been prepared as per the recommendations in the 6th report of the Committee for the welfare of women, children and differentially abled under the 13th Kerala State Legislative. The guidelines carry specific instructions for Head of Institutions, teachers, parents and students. Some of the major highlights of the protocol include the secure password protection to be ensured by the Head of the Institution, insisting on safe search methods to be adopted, facilitating un-interrupted availability of internet to teachers and students, providing internet access to students only under the supervision of teachers, displaying instructions for secure internet browsing in classrooms and labs etc. It has been mandated to conduct Cyber Safety Audit in schools atleast twice a year.            Teachers are instructed to browse and download ICT contents for their classes well in advance, in order to avoid searching them online in classrooms in the presence of students, where there is a possibility of inappropriate contents showing up in the search. Whenever internet based learning projects are assigned to students, teachers have to pre-check the website and only the secure portals have to be advised. The Samagra Resource Portal developed by KITE which has ICT contents for all classes, have to be made to use to the maximum in classes. The internet usage in schools have to be strictly restricted for learning activities, official purposes and other learning / teaching related activities. 

About Us

The KITE under General Education Department was set-up to augment the IT education in schools and also to enhance the quality of IT education towards a complete ICT enabled educational system

Contact Info

State Project Office, SCERT Building, Poojappura, Trivandrum, Kerala-695012

+91 471 2529800


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